
So far, I've twice had the Gentoo install run for 12 hours and then
found the machine hung.  Rebooting shows a partially completed
install.  I'd like to find what's going wrong so I can complete my
(first) Gentoo installation!



   P-III 450Mhz
   256MB Ram
   Creative 52X IDE CD-ROM
   AHA-2940U/W SCSI controller
   Fujitsu 18GB SCSI HD

   KVM Switch used to share keyboard, monitor, and video between
   current Linux box (Mandriva) and Gentoo install machine.

LiveCD boots and "gentoo doscsi" is used.  The install is configured
using GUI tool.  The packages chosen are mostly GRP as I'm trying to
keep life simple (for now).  Using a terminal window, I've scp'd
installprofile.xml and clientconfiguration.xml to the Mandriva box.

I then click on install and the machine goes to work building
packages.  At this point I use the KVM to switch to my other machine
and let the install go to work.  Periodically I switch back to check
install progress. After approx 12 hrs of building packages, I find that
the machine has hung.  The screen shows the installer window, but only
it's background displays -- no text is visible (for example "building
package 37/95".

If I then boot from the hard drive I get:

   >> Mounting root
      mknod //newroot/dev/console: No such file or device
      mknod //newroot/dev/tty1: No such file or device

   >> Booting (initramfs)
      chroot: Cannot execute /bin/sh:  No such file or device
      Kernel panic not syncing:  Attempted to kill init.

At this point I can boot with the LiveCD, go to the command line, mount
the root and boot partitions, run chroot, and have a partially usable

What's the recommended procedure for completing the install?



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