On 3/29/06, Lord Sauron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You have no idea what portable is.  One month on a 3.7lb. 12.1 inch
> X40 and you'll never go back - even if you wanted to!

Well, everybody has different needs/tastes.  Frankly, I wouldn't even
want to _touch_ something with a 12.1in screen.  ;->

Portability is not my primary concern.  Nor is battery life.  Reading
and responding to email on the road is not something I need to do
frequently, or when I do, I can wait until I get to the hotel or the
conference room.  I have never even had a desire to pull out a laptop
on a plane...heck, I don't even bother with an ipod or pda usually.

My big issue is screen resolution; I need a very high resolution
screen for viewing technical schematics with good scope and readable
fonts.  I was working with a visitor recently who constantly had me
print out schematics because he could not read them on his laptop or
the available desktop without zooming in so far that he couldn't see
the overall diagram.  On my 17" screen at 1920x1200 though, neither of
us had any problems with the display.

The _minimum_ I can work with is about 1400x1050 (1680x1050 in a wide format).

> Just a word of the wise from many experienced laptop users:

Does using a laptop for 12-14 hours/day every day for the last 3 years
count as 'experienced'? ;->  Including international travel?

> world's strongest man would still have to admit that 13 pounds isn't a
> good idea.

No argument there...9lb + case + power supply is more than most people
would want or need to deal with.  But there is no sub-5lb laptop
available today that can meet my display needs.


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