On Thursday 30 March 2006 05:21, James wrote:
> Hello,
> I run a minimalistic, closed, (not connected to the internet), network for
> machines. This network does not run any DNS, and it works beautifully, very
> low in bandwidth, all static IPs. I do not wish to argue about the merits
> of not running DNS on a network, it's a given, out of my control!
> I installed Jffnms on a server, along with the other required software:
> apache2, php4, postgresql etc etc as describe in this document:
> http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/jffnms.xml
> I can find the main setup pages in the
> /var/www/localhost/htdocs/htdocs/admin/ dir from the command line:
> menu.php                 sat_session.inc.php
> calendar.php      menu_frame.php           satellite.php
> color_select.php  menu_interface_list.php  setup.php
>  pops up the usually apache2 default page....
> But I cannot get to the
> /var/www/localhost/htdocs/htdocs/admin/setup.php page, from a web browser
> running on neither the server, nor anywhere on the network. The default
> apache2 page does pop up on a web browser from any machine on
> the network, including the apache2 server.
> This is probably really simple. Bear in mind that I'm far, far
> from a whiz with apache et.al. being more of a 'hardware type'.
> are the repeated htdocs/htdocs dirs the problem?
> What's wrong or what do I need to tryto get this to work.?
> James

check permissions on those directories and files, if that the case, then 
change 'apache' can read, and for setup time give write access too to config 

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