On Wed, 5 Apr 2006 15:52:19 -0700 (PDT), maxim wexler wrote:

> > to help you under
> > these circumstances is rather pointless.
> not unless the point is to appear a pompous blowhard.

~The only way someone is going to be able to help you is if they
understand the problem.Otherwise they will only be guessing, which will
waste their time and yours. In order to understand the problem, they need
to know exactly what you did, and exactly the responses you got. "I tried
everything and it did not work" provides no useful information. Try the
commands suggested, then cut and paste the command and its output.
Telling us you ran the command is not enough, you may have typed it
incorrectly. for example, "ls -l" and "ls -1" are both valid but
different commands, but they look the same in some fonts, so don't
retype, paste.

Insulting people is a good way to make sure they don't help you, but so
is saying nothing. So if you want no help, I suggest the latter course
of action, it is less trouble for everyone. If you really do want people
to help you, give them the facts they need to do so in an informed way.

Neil Bothwick

"God created the world in six days.  On the seventh day he also decided
to create England... just to try out his Practical Joke Weather Machine."

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