> > Is it possible to recover data (photos) that have been "deleted" from
> > a Sony Memory Stick?
> It depends. On what happened, what you do next, and the amount of time
> (or money) you are willing to invest.
> > How can I get a look at what is really in there?
> Use dd to make a backup (that is, copy the contents of the stick (the
> raw bits, not the files) to your harddisk, and work on that copy.
> You can use your favorite hex-editor (there are a bunch of them in
> portage) to recover the directory-structure (or what is left of it).
> :-)
> You won't have ANY success with it, if you don't understand a bit
> about filesystemstructure and how to use the tools you want to use.
> Its very likely that you will destroy data if you are not careful.
> There are a few things you can try, depending on your knowledge.
> You could use the forensic toolkit sleuthkit (and perhaps its
> web-frontend autopsy). For recovering photos, I have had good results
> by just searching for jpeg-headers (first 4 bytes, assuming you have
> jpeg-images, ofcourse) and simply cutting a bit more than your average
> filesize after the header. Result of that will depend from your usage
> pattern on the Memorystick, that is, if you delete all files, than
> make new photos, or just delete some files (which results in
> fragmentation, which will prevent the copy-x-kb-after-jpeg-header-
> approach).
> There are some other ways, but these are the simple ones.
> In any case, MAKE A BACKUP!!! before you try to recover the files.
> HTH.
>  Timo

Alright, thanks Timo.

- Grant

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