On 4/11/06, wcw84 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Then I updated in my second gentoo to gcc 4.0.2 and glibc2.4,and "emerge -e
> system && emerge -e world" and "etc-update" and update all the file.And when
> i reboot,error
> occured:"udev-event[1731]:find_free_number:%e is deprecated
> will be removed and is unlikely to work correctly.Don't use it."

This is expected with the ~x86 udev, as the CD-ROM rules still use %e
to figure out the device name.  Hopefully it goes away in a future
udev release, and we will all learn how to update our own rules that
use %e....

> and
> "network unreachable".
> After i logined,i typed:"ifconfig",it showed:
> eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:E0:4C:8C:B8:C9
>           inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

Ok so the driver is loaded and working.  Looks like something is wrong
with your configuration though.

What does "grep -v '^#' /etc/conf.d/net" show?

> And the system don't have any sound now ,i can't find the file "dsp" in the
> /dev.

Do you have alsasound set to start in the default runlevel (check
"rc-update -s")?  Do you use the in-kernel modules or the external
alsa-driver package?  If external, have you tried rebuildling it? 
What does "lsmod | grep snd" report?

BTW, /dev/dsp is the legacy oss device, and will only appear if you
have the snd_pcm_oss module loaded.  The standard alsa interfaces show
up under /dev/snd/, with information at /proc/asound/.


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