Uwe Thiem wrote:
On 11 April 2006 19:17, El Nino wrote:
Dear list friends,

i deployed several testing mail servers on different locations(towns).
now i need to mirror these all servers. how to do this?

idea(scenario) like,
o when one mail server goes down 2nd mail server get the email. but
when 1st up, 2nd mail server forward the email to 1st server.

MX entries in DNS?

That's close to what I use. However, MX entries alone aren't the solution. You also have to configure the mail servers to forward the mail on to the final destination once it comes back online. I'm not sure how to do that myself, and don't really have to time to put much effort into it since my mail server is only for small scale personal use. I just use dyndns.org's "Backup MX" service: http://www.dyndns.com/services/mailhop/backupmx.html. Even if that isn't a solution for you, it's at least a place to start looking.


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