On Wednesday 12 April 2006 01:45, Lord Sauron wrote:
> Hello,
> This happened once before in Kubuntu, though this time I was more
> alert and know what I did right before this happened.  So what did
> transpire?
> I sent my laptop into sleep mode via the popup menu on the battery
> monitor in KDE.  It did this, however, when the machine came out of
> sleep mode, there was no monitor.  It wasn't on.  I tried my basic set
> of tricks: try and change the screen brightness; try and switch
> monitors via the key combo on the laptop; close the lid and re-open
> it; press the key combo to turn the monitor off; press the key combo
> to go back to sleep mode (didn't work).
> Eventually I picked a button that did work: POWER.  The system shut
> down normally!  After X11 died, it went back the the framebuffer and
> acted like nothing had happened.
> However, right after this, KDE has been acting *really* slow.  Much
> slower than it should.  # top revealed that artsd, xorg, and kded were
> eating cpu time.  This is the same behaviour as on Kubuntu before.  I
> suspect the cause was the same, however, I don't remember exactly so I
> won't point fingers.
> Do any of you know what this is?  Do you think if I recompiled xorg,
> kde, and arts if it'd fix the problem?  Or, even better, is there a
> way to axe all the configuration settings and see if that fixes the
> problem?  Please help, I think it's affecting Gnome as well (scary!)

recompiling will fix NOTHING.

There are a lot of temporary files in /tmp and ~ / remove them and see if the 
problem is still there.
All KDE related configs are in ~/.kde3.5 (.kde3.4), so (re)moving that sets 
KDE back to its 'fresh' state.
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