Allan Spagnol Comar wrote:

> I was wondering if some one can help me with that, I am try to put to
> work a simple file share with samba where I will share a folder to any
> one, and one folder have to autenticate users at pam
[cutted configuration]
> what did I do wrong ? or how can I make this ?

As far as I know, the 'security' parameter can be use only
in global section. Delete security options in [mp3] and [sandbox]
section. Add to [global] section two lines:

security = user
map to guest = Bad Password

>From Windows perspective - anybody can access to your [mp3] share. If
someone would like to access [sandbox], he will be prompted for login/pass.

More info about 'map to guest' you can find in 'man smb.conf'.

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