Hi everybody!
I unmask sun-jdk1.5 and emerge it.Then it tell me to download it
manually from the
I hava download it and mv it to /usr/portage/distfile/,and emerged it
again.Then it told me the MD5 from the jdk i downloaded didn't match
the MD5 experted.I changed the MD5 in
/usr/portage/dev-java/sun-jdk/files//digest-sun-jdk- to
match my jdk which i sure it's OK.And emerge sun-jdk the third
time.And now it told me:

 !!! Digest verification Failed:
 !!! /usr/portage/dev-java/sun-jdk/files/digest-sun-jdk-
 !!! Reason: Filesize does not match recorded size
 !!! Got: 288
 !!! Expected: 212

 Is there anybody can tell me how to setup sun-jdk now?
 Thanks in advanced!


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