--- Walter Dnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sat, Apr 22, 2006 at 11:43:05AM -0700, maxim
> wexler wrote
> > And one more question: Why does emerge wvdial
> insist on installing all
> > this X stuff? More than 90 Megs!  What does my
> serial port hardware
> > care if I can look at an xterm or not?
> > 
> > I tried USE="-X" but it just ignored me :^(
>   Sigh, a bunch of ex-Windows, X Window developers,
> who can't go to the
> bathroom without a
> pointey-clickey-touchie-feelie-oowey-gui.  I suggest
> that you "emerge pppconfig" instead.  That's what I
> use along with pon
> and poff.

perl-cleaner did the trick as far as emerge wvdial is
concerned, thanks for the link folks.

yes, I always used pppconfig to setup my dialup until
I ran into troubles with the 2.6.16 kernel setup.
Seems dialup is now configured in /etc/conf.d/net,
although this seems to conflict with the provider
file. I mean, do you edit net.example to reflect the
provider file provided by pppconfig, or do you try to 
avoid redundancy? Neither file seems aware of the
other's existence. Strange.

Another thing: even though the docs and mans mention
/dev/ttyS0 no such device is on my 2.6.16 box! In the
net file it says: link_ppp0="/dev/ttyS0". But when the
computer boots the console starts ppp0 then gives the
error: link_ppp0 does not exist. So I made one with

mknod /dev/ttyS0 c 4 64

but it didn't help. The same error appeared on the
next boot.

Yes, /etc/init.d/net.ppp0 is a sym-link to net.lo.

Yes, I have compiled every conceivable serial port
option into the kernel. Do I really need support for
some fancy joy-stick(CONFIG_SERIO_CT82C710) to get my
modem to work?

I know my serial port works because I can dialout
using the installCD provided I first copy over
/etc/resolv.conf, /etc/chatscripts/*, /etc/ppp/*,
/etc/ppp/peers/*. Even after chrooting I can dial out.

> -- 
> Walter Dnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> In linux
> /sbin/init is Job #1
> My musings on technology and security at
> http://tech_sec.blog.ca
> -- 
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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