2006/4/27, Christopher E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Hello all,

if there is any one that can help me with the following two issue I
would be greatful.

1.  I am have a error message when booting about snd_via82xx not
found.  FATAL: Module snd_via82xx not found.  is the exact message.

Are you  sure your sound module is "snd_via82xx"?I have a AC97 sound card,and the modules is not this one.

I have the driver as part of the kernel, when I don't ALSA then gives
a message like this:
ALSA device list:
  Sound Card not found

I have emerged hal, dbus, alsa-utils and have added all of them to
rc-update level boot.  I have run the alsaconf.

2.  Now with gnome, when I type startx at the prompte I get the logo
and then it stops, I then have to move the mouse and click on the logo
and it goes away and then its just a blank screen.  I have to do
ctrl+alt+backspace to get out and get to a prompte again.

See the message after you do " ctrl+alt+bachspace"!

If you have any other questions that I have not answered here please
ask so this may get fixed.

If any one knows how I could fix these issue I would be greatful and
thankful to you.


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