El  Fri, 05 May 2006 11:47:16 -0400
Jeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

>Hey all.
>I've followed the Gentoo-Wiki HOWTO (which seems to be lacking a lot of
>extra info), I've played with the lm_sensors website looking for
>answers, I've been reading countless pages of RTFM, and what not - I'm
>just slightly frustrated trying to get lm_sensors to work.
>My i2c modules are loading (there may be more needed):
>i2c_i801               11276  0
>i2c_core               22784  3 eeprom,nvidia,i2c_i801
>Any idea what I might be missing here? I'm a lm_sensor n00b.


Sorry for my english.

Could be the kernel. In devices drivers -> hardware monitoring support .

I have two extra modules:

eowyn linux # lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
it87                   19172  2 
hwmon_vid               2240  1 it87
i2c_isa                 3264  1 it87
i2c_sis96x              4676  0 

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                -- William Shakespeare, "Henry VI"
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