JimD a gentiment tapote:
> However, I do like being able to customize my system and Gentoo gives
> me a very nice way to do that.  The only current issue I with Gentoo
> that I want to address is a recovery option.  I will probably post a
> thread on that topic soon.  I have about 1GB in /usr/portage/packages
> so I guess I can back that up.  However, I want a faster method to
> restore than I currently can do with Gentoo.  If I lost my system now,
> it would mean rebuilding my base system and the would leave me without
> a functioning system for a while.  With Ubunutu, I would be back up
> with a base system in 30 mins.
> Jim


I backup and restore my Gentoo system with  Partimage and the
SysRescueCd live CD.
It is very easy to use and it takes about 30 minutes to restore  my
system (/ , usr/, boot and home).


--- Ptitjack --

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