Mattias Merilai wrote:
> I have tried both on different (but only) gentoo kernels and
> still they complain about not finding it.

That will happen when when your /boot is on a separate partition: it 
is not mounted (yet) when the kernel is looking for the

> 1. Is this a vanilla or gentoo kernel specific issue?

Neither.  If you don't want it to complain, then copy the 
also to /boot when it is unmounted (or to /, that will do too).

> 2. Does the kernel itself actually need the file?

No.  Only when it oopses it will use the info to give a clearer 

> 3. Are programs like ps able to find the file themselves as they
> seem to work?

Does ps need  But if /boot is mounted during normal 
operation, then it'll be able to find it.  Maybe these programs 
are even 'cleverer' and also have a look in /usr/src/linux/?

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