Hi All,

For a while I was looking for how to get gnome-screensaver (gnome-2.14)
to use xscreensaver hacks. Well, I never found out anything, so I wrote
this script to convert the xscreensaver xml files to
gnome-screensaver .desktop files. Just run it like this:
$ xs2gs.pl /path/to/xscreensaver-files/ tmp/

then when you're happy with all the files in /tmp, copy them
to /path/to/gnome-screensaver-files/

That's usually /usr/share/xscreensaver/config/ for the xscreensaver
hacks, and /usr/share/gnome-screensaver/themes/ for the
gnome-screensaver files.

If your favourite hack doesn't work, let me know and I may get around to
working on it :)

save this as xs2gs.pl

enjoy :)

Iain Buchanan <iaindb at netspace dot net dot au>

You can get much further with a kind word and a gun than you can with a
kind word alone.
                -- Al Capone
                [Also attributed to Johnny Carson.  Ed.]

Attachment: xs2gs.pl
Description: Perl program

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