060515 Mick wrote:
> Anyone ?

Maybe I'm an anyone (grin) ...

> Until a couple of stable versions ago, I had ooo-kde in my USE flags,
> which emerged OOo with the nicer Ximian style icons.
> ooo-kde is now deprecated, so I removed it
> and ever since OOo is launched with the uglier menu icons.
> That's despite me having kde, qt, -gnome, -gtk in my flags.
I'm using 2.0.2 with 'kde' among the USE flags
& I get nice-looking icons, tho' not necessarily Ximian-style.
Have you tried the most recent "unstable" version (2.0.2-r1) ?
Are you using the most upto-date KDE (3.5.2) ?

BTW my problem is that the menu(-bar) fonts are too large:
does anyone else experience this & does anyone have a solution ?

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