On Wed, 10 May 2006 00:51:57 -0300
"Daniel da Veiga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote the words:

> There are alternative ways to update portage that are more suited to
> your dial-up connection.
> ########### Extracted from
> http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.gentoo.user/153842
> Download a snapshot (you can find one in any gentoo mirror), and
> download the md5sum, move it to $PORTAGE_TMPDIR/emerge-webrsync and
> run "emerge-webrsync", it will use those without downloading a new
> snapshot.
> Or, you can manually do the sync yourself. Extract the
> portage-snapshot into a directory, and then use the following command:
> rsync -av --progress --stats --delete --delete-after \
> --exclude='/distfiles' --exclude='/packages' \
> --exclude='/local' . ${PORTDIR%%/}
> Either define PORTDIR, or replace that with the location of your
> portage tree (/usr/portage by default).
> ###########
> Give it a try...

That did it, life is good.
Thanks so much.

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