On 16 May 2006 16:35:23 -0500, Harry Putnam wrote:

> > If you only use KDE, you may as well define all your key bindings in
> > KHotkeys.
> Maybe you haven't noticed that KHotkeys is painfully slow to use for
> more than one setting.  Or that it cannot set several dozen Keycombos
> at once.

No, I hadn't noticed that. I've used xbindkeys in the past, but decided
it was better to use just one program to handle hotkeys, to avoid the
sort of conflicts you have experienced. I don't set up or change hotkeys
very often, so the slightly longer time required isn't an issue for me.

> Xbindkeys has the beauty of a text based config.  Which means one could
> introduce dozens of keycombos before X even starts.  Once its running
> they are in place.

KHotkeys uses a text config file, although it's layout is even more
arcane than that of xbindkeys.

Neil Bothwick

I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message...

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