Le Mercredi 17 Mai 2006 01:03, JimD a écrit :
> Is there a good spam filter out there?  One that is not a pain to setup
> and use?
> My current setup is postfix, procmail and bogofilter.  Maybe I haven't
> trained bogofilter enough or something.  After three weeks, I have yet
> to have one spam marked as spam.  It gets marked unsure, for which I
> have procmail stick those in a maildir folder.
> I want something easy to setup and use.  Right now I have a Spam
> maildir.  Under that folder I have mark-bad, mark-good and unsure.  I
> move email to mark-bad/mark-good as needed and have a cronjob that tells
> bogofilter to check those folders and update.
> What is really frustrating is that I keep getting the same spam in my
> inbox.  Some viagra junk.  I have told bogofilter it is spam about 10
> times in the last 2 weeks.
> So, what is a good _home user_ setup?  I don't want to use the built-in
> junk filter of Thunderbird because I get my emails over IMAP from
> different locations, so I want 1 spam solution.
> Danka for any help :-)
> Jim
> --
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> There's no place like
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> JimD
> Central FL, USA, Earth, Sol

I'd go with spamassassin. It is quite easy to set up, features auto-learning, 
and is very efficient (Ever since I turned it on, I haven't got a single 
spam, and I have so few false positive that I just tell it to trash the mail 
it marks as spam).

If I may suggest two things :
- Use spamassassin through its daemon (spamd), it's faster.
- You should consider dropping procmail in favour of courier-maildrop, since 
you seem to be using courier-imap. I find it more flexible and better 
integrated with the imap server. 

-- Jonathan

(Note : that is just a suggestion, I am not looking to start a flamewar or 
anything. I have used procmail for years and was very happy with it !)

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