Jonathan Chocron wrote:
> Le Mercredi 17 Mai 2006 22:44, Benno Schulenberg a écrit :
> > This is absurd, but when in bash-3.1_p17 I press Shift+M, the
> > "M" only appears the moment I press another key.  This happens
> > both in Konsole and on a VT.  And also in xterm and rxvt.
> I have come across that kind of behaviuour when I was playing
> with unicode settings. It happened when I was using a unicode
> console with a non unicode keymap.

I've tried going back to UNICODE="no" and a POSIX locale, it didn't 
help.  To cut a long story short: it was inputrc.  Some weeks ago I 
tried adding extra aliases for history-search-backward.  It didn't 
work, but I forgot to remove the lines.  They contained "\M"...

The way I finally figured it out was by having a secondary Gentoo 
system, a half-year old copy of the current system: when chrooting 
into it the problem was gone.  After trying lots of things, it 
finally occurred to me it might be a configuration problem.  After 
copying over the current /etc to the old system (saving its /etc 
first, of course), the old system had the problem too.  Then I 
remembered inputrc.

> Are you sure there are not any app on your system that capture
> this specific combination ?

If that were the case, I'd expect it to also capture the key when 
nano or tcsh or bash-2.05 are running, and it didn't.

> What keymap are you using ?

Plain "us".

Thank you for answering anyhow.

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