On Friday 19 May 2006 12:59, Nagatoro wrote:
> Hi,


> I found to my horror that my main workstation is no more...
> So before I spend way to much money on a new one I would like to know
> what you think of this:
> Case:       Antec Sonata II 450W

I have this case and it is a really good product !

> Board:      Gigabyte GA-K8NF-9
> CPU:        AMD S939 4200+ Dual Core
> Memory:     2GB DDR400

Simple question: did you check the compatibility of the memory with the 
motherboard ? For example, with my Asus A8N-E, I can't use any memory : the 
compatibility table is on the manual of the mother board.

Another question: two sticks or just one ?

> HD:         200GB SATA-II (Maxtor Plus10)

Have this one, too. Don't forget to install "smartd" and "hddtemp" because the 
maxtor drives seem to be hot (40°C while idle).

> Graphics:   MSI PCIE 7800GT 256MB
> Anything that I should avoid/change?
> Thanks in advance!
> --
> Naga

Nicolas MASSÉ
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