Hi all!

A couple weeks ago I upgraded mozilla from 1.7.12-r? -> 1.7.13
on a box running [EMAIL PROTECTED] (only lastest stable versions
of packages installed).
Upon running the "mozilla" cmd I get the obligatory "No running
windows found" msg and that's all I see mozilla do. Nothing shows up, no
windows, no msgs. The running processes can be easily sigTERM'd. I
straced "mozilla" and it ends up at (yes, the output is "cut" right there):

<lots of rt_sigprocmask() calls>
rt_sigaction(SIGINT, {0x8004599e, [], SA_RESTORER, 0x4009e1e8}, {SIG_DFL},
8) = 0

Okay, I downgraded mozilla back to 1.7.12 which had run fine before and
even this once greatly functioning 1.7.12 mozilla suddenly didn't work.
The same problem, the same strace result.
Upgraded to 1.7.13 again, no change. Deleted the
~/.mozilla and ~/.gtk* stuff, no difference.
Does anyone have an idea how can I fix this? Big thanks
in adavnce for any pointer or hint.

A fine day's wishes
-Roman Zilka
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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