On 5/24/06, Jonathan Chocron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
So, here are my questions : With world being autogenerated

Not sure I would call it 'autogenerated'.  It is more accurate to call
it the list of packages that you have merged without the --oneshot

- If I emerge a library, like xvid with "emerge xvid", it will end up in
world. How do I revert that ? Do I have to emerge -C xvid and then
emerge --oneshot xvid ?

That is one way.  You could quicken this with "quickpkg xvid; emerge
-C xvid ; emerge --oneshot --usepkgonly xvid".  Or just edit
/var/lib/portage/world by hand to remove xvid.

- If I emerge -Dup world, will the listed packages alkl end-up in world ?

No.  Only the packages you specifically merge without --oneshot end up
in world.  Dependancies of world or system packages that show up when
you add -D/--deep are not added to world...

- If I first emerge a package, for example kmail, with emerge kmail, and
later, during an upgrade phase, do an emerge --oneshot kmail, will kmail be
removed from world ?

No.  Only unmerging the package, or ediiting the world file, will
remove it from world.


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