At Thu, 25 May 2006 18:21:39 +0000 Alex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Allan Gottlieb wrote:
>> At Thu, 25 May 2006 10:40:26 +0000 Alex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Allan Gottlieb wrote:
>>>>You have to do experiments.  It depends heavily on your application
>>>Yes, that would be the best, but I'm wondering how, because e.g. "time
>>>bzip2 -9 foobar" wouldn't be helpfull. So now I've switched to "-Os"
>>>and soon I can test, if it's a real difference.
>> Please report back your findings, including the application mix you
>> tested.  Although "scientific" timed benchmarks are important, I would
>> also be interested in how the system feels.  For the latter ("feels"),
>> you should qualitatively describe the use of the system (web server,
>> desktop, laptop, etc) and what you commonly run (program devel, games,
>> scientific/engineering apps, etc).
>> thanks,
>> allan
> Hi,
> I've a desktop system and I commonly use applications like firefox,
> thunderbird and so on, kde, gaim and a terminal is nearly always
> there. Sometimes I'm running vim or kate.
> If you're interested in some tests, not relevant for desktop systems,
> there are some I made:
> Time wasted to compress a 416 mb tar:
>          bzip2           gzip
> -O3     2m40.882s       1m20.445s
> -Os     2m39.314s       1m21.157s
> decompress:
>          bzip2           gzip
> -O3     0m52.575s       0m4.972s
> -Os     0m53.387s       0m4.828s
> Convert 203 Mbs MP3s to WAV using LAME:
> -O3     14m4.461s
> -Os     16m50.599s
> from wav to mp3:
> -O3     1m1.708s
> -Os     1m12.841s
> Now I'm emerging -e world with -Os. When it is finished, I'll mail you
> the results.

The conversion programs you ran might not stress the memory system.  I
suspect that they only keep a fixed size portion of the input and
output files in memory when you run them with ever larger inputs.

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