James <wireless <at> tampabay.rr.com> writes:

> While the 'peripherals' icon
> is flashing the KDE login hangs. I ssh into the machine remotely, 
> and kill off the xrdb process:
> 'xrdb -quiet -merge /tmp/kde-james/kcminit6pdVqc.tmp'

> After that the loging session completes and everything seems to be fine.
> I cannot find a 'Xdefaults' file anywhere on the system, so maybe that's the
> problem? Both xorg and kde-base have been re-compiled.

OK since nobody seems willing to give me ideas on how to track this problem
down, I have written a short (ugly) bash script to kill of the xrdb process.
It works when I ssh into the hung machine and execute it. I thought I could
just add the script to the .bash_profile file but it does not seem to 
ever sources that file so I need a more clever way to lauch the 'xrdbkill'
script after I initiate a login....

Any ideas on the best way to trigger this script? The .bash_profile file does
not get accessed.


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