"Anthony E. Caudel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I am in the process of moving to an amd64 system and I anticipate a
> lot of experimentation/tuning with the kernel.
> I was wondering if it is possible to set up CVS (or preferably
> Subversion) so that I would be able to back up to any previous
> configuration.  It seems that if I just kept the .config file in cvs
> and checked it in and out as needed that this might work.

I suggest good old RCS.  Its small, simple, and easy to work with.

just emerge app-text/rcs then:

$ co -l .config
$ vi .config
$ ci -u .config

The revisions is kept as delta in a single file .config,v optionally
in a subdirecdory RCS if that exists, you can even have RCS be a
symlink to som other location if you like.


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