On 02/06/06, Sven Köhler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> (But i have to tell you, that even if you recompiled all the packages,
>> some *.la files will remain. They don't get unmerged due to some bugs.
>> Just rerun revdep-rebuild to discover them, and remove them my hand.)
> It is usually because you have run fix_libtool_files.sh at some point,
> which modified the files. Since they no longer match the digest
> information from when the package was merged, portage doesn't remove them
> when it unmerges the package.

I know, and that is not "normal" - it is a bug.

The *.la" files have to be fixed - that's the "normal" part - but that
they don't get unmerged? That's not normal and the tool that fixes the
*.la files has to be fixed.

But i already talked about that on gentoo-devel. And it seems, they are
about to fix that.

OK, thanks I'll try revdep-rebuild with gentoolkit 0.2.2.


Paulo Matos

Paulo Jorge Matos - pocm at sat inesc-id pt
Web: http://sat.inesc-id.pt/~pocm
Computer and Software Engineering

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