Hello list;
I must be tired, because i can't get rid of what seems to be a stupid problem :

I want to add myself in the "svnusers" group.
Let's go :
# groupadd svnusers
# gpasswd -a thibault svnusers
# groups thibault
wheel audio cdrom video games mysql postgres apache usb portage asterisk 
svnusers users

So everything looks ok.

but in user mode :
$ whoami
$ groups thibault
wheel audio cdrom video games mysql postgres apache usb portage asterisk 
svnusers users
$ groups
wheel audio cdrom video games mysql postgres apache usb users portage asterisk

And i'm definitly not in the "svnusers" group.
Could someone help me, please ?

thibault j.
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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