> Running:
> single user machine for experimentation
> I have apache setup to allow user public_html and allow cgi execution
> anywhere inside public_html.
> The rub is that another cgi script causes a server error (posted
> further along)
> I have apache2 set to loglevel debug, I have ran the problem cgi
> manually from cmdline and received no errors. 
> It appears somethign isn't configured to allow suExec but I can't tell
> what.  I've made all settings that appeared to be related.  The cgi is
> chmod 755.
> The log output seems too skimpy to see how to further debug this:
> From /var/log/apache2/error_log
> ====
> [Tue Jun 06 23:23:49 2006] [error] [client] (13)Permission denied: 
> exec of '/usr/sbin/suexec2' failed
> [Tue Jun 06 23:23:49 2006] [error] [client] Premature end of script 
> headers: index.cgi

The details of the error should be in /var/log/apache2/suexec_log

Also, the permission denied error for suexec2 itself is strange. What
are the permissions on suexec? They should be:
-rws--x---  1 root apache 15107 Jun  6 16:51 /usr/sbin/suexec2

Michael Stewart                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gentoo Developer                        http://dev.gentoo.org/~vericgar

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