On 6/15/06, Leandro Melo de Sales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

   in my laptop I use linux and windows. Sometimes when I'm using
windows I need to access data from my linux ext3 partition. So I tried
to use Explore2fs application. It detects my two ext3 (hda3 and hda4)
partitions, but when I click to explore the hda3 partition (root
partition) I got the following message:

"Error: Access violation at address 0009A8C9 in module
'explore2fs.exe'. Read of address 00E09084"

But if I explore the hda4 partition, I can see the files. Does someone
can help me?

I have been using expplore2fs for a while, but even the beta version is running without
any problems, except that all my partitions are recognized as the same.... anyway, files are there..

The error might be caused by your Windows system, try to install another version, you might be better off with the stable one.

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