> Have a look at the first section in [1] and [2]. Note the references to 
> release notes and news file in [2]. If this doesn't answer your question feel 
> free to clarify your question.
> [1] http://www.gentoo.org/news/en/gwn/20060116-newsletter.xml
> [2] http://www.gentoo.org/news/en/gwn/20060612-newsletter.xml

Thanks for the links.  They explained alot.  I now understand what is meant by 
the USE parameters
and the "minus" use parameters. But I have a few additional questions.

For example: from "emerge -DuvpN world"
net-im/gaim-1.5.0  USE="eds nls perl spell tcltk* -cjk -debug -gnutls -krb4 
-minimal% -nas -silc"
0 kB

Is there any significance to the USE color codes:
RED:    eds, nls, perl, spell
GREEN:  tcltk*
BLUE:   -cjk, -debug, -gnutls, -krb4, -nas, -silc
YELLOW: -minimal%

And also, is there any significance to * and %

Thanks for the your input.


Richard Broersma Jr.
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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