Teresa and Dale wrote:
pat wrote:


I've successfully installed the OracleDB 10gR2 and I want to start it at boot.
Are there any rc startup scripts ???

Thanks a lot.


Do you mean rc-update?  rc-update add oracle default

Pat might be after the actual oracle startup script - its been a while since I used Oracle, but essentially you just need to copy one of the existing Gentoo rc scripts and make sure it does:

on start:
 su - oracle -c "dbstart"
 su - oracle -c "lsnrctl start"

On stop:
 #su - oracle -c "dbshut"
 su - oracle "lsnrctl stop"

(Note that dbshut used to be rather stupid, and refuse to terminate existing connections, so may just leave it commented out and let the oracle server get killed - never hurt it as I recall!)



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