Mark Knecht wrote:

b) Most bothersome, if within Nautilus we bookmark directories on
remote machines then every time we log in Gnome makes us type in
passwords at login time instead of when we access the remote machine.

That's not, what happens here. I'm only prompted for the password,
when I access the remote machine.

Worse, if the machine which is bookmarked happens to be turned off
then we get longs delays and error messages.

That's not, what happens here.

In all the whole Nautilus
solution seems to be quite unremarkable at this time.

I disagree. It works quite fast and is easy to use, barring the
(as I assume) misconfiguration on your side.

3) Assuming this is 'fish://''


then how is this a graphical file manager.

It isn't. Nobody said, that it is. Everybody wrote, that it is
an URL scheme for Konqueror/Krusader (both KDE).

It seems to be a shell.

Not at all.

support it is a replacement for ssh/scp protocols

It isn't. It's an implementation for KDE, which allows it to use
SSH to transfer files. It doesn't use SCP or SFTP, as far as I

Alexander Skwar
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