On 26 Jun 2006, at 21:54, kashani wrote:

Tibor Liktor wrote:

Unfortunately after a nice release back in Feb the project is looking like it's dead in the water.

What makes you say that? The changelog seems to suggest activity.

Roundcube is a little feature short to be a full webmail system for real users though it's passable if you just need a web interface to get to your mail on occasion.

God, is the drag & drop slick, tho'!
(or maybe I'm just an old-feller who never tried the latest Yahoo / Gmail offerings on a supported browser)

Since I use a real mail client most of the time Roundcube seems ideal for me. From the demo on their site I'm quite impressed - it seems very fast, although I find double-clicking to open a message in a web- browser a little non-intuitive. I would love it if they gave a preview of the message if you clicked on its subject in the message list.

Like Jamie I find Squirrelmail a little slow.

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