On Tue, 27 Jun 2006 11:07:00 +0200 (CEST), JC Denton wrote:

>  started an emerge openoffice last night. This
> morning I found that the emerge failed and that the
> installation has eaten all my space on the hard drive.
> I had 1.7GB free and this morning it was 0 GB. 

That's nowhere near enough.
> How can I find out how much space I need? 

Trial and error :)

Generally, an OOo build needs around 3-5GB.

> And do I get this space back after the compiling
> process is finished?

Yes. The reason you didn't get it back is that the emerge aborted so it
didn't clean up after itself.

You may find it easier to use openoffice-bin, unless this isn't available for 
your architecture.

Neil Bothwick

Eagles may soar, but Wombles don't get sucked into jet engines

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