James <wireless <at> tampabay.rr.com> writes:

More Info on this problem:

> " Kconsole is unable to open a PTY (pseudo teletype). It is likely that this
> is due to an incorrect configuration of the PTY devices. Kconsole needs to
> have read/write access to the PTY devices."

Well I found a temporary work around, but it does not solve
the problem.

When the system boots and gives me the kdm login screen, I have to
first ssh remotely and run these commands

chown root:tty /dev/pty*
chown root:tty /dev/tty*
chmod 666 /dev/null

I'd sure like to know what to remerge to fix this problem.
hal ? udev ?

/dev/null has been complaining for weeks, but I just ignored it.
It started complaining about the time I had problems with xrdb:

     Available versions:  ~1.0.1 ~1.0.2
     Installed:           none

NOW I cannot ignore this problem anymore.




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