Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Sat, 08 Jul 2006 02:00:27 +0300, Daniel Iliev wrote:

> emerge is, by definition, a non-interactive program (apart from --ask
> which works before emerge starts its business). Use the ELOG features of
> portage 2.1 to have this messages save to a file, mailed to you or read
> out with festival.

As I already replied to Mr Justin R Findlay's email "ELOG" is something
new to me. I have to check it out. Thank you for pointing this out.

> EXTRA_ECONF="--disable-runtime-cpudetection" emerge --options mplayer
> This doesn't work with every ebuild, but it does with most of them.

Correct. This doesn't work for mplayer.

> If it is know that the package will fail with -O3, what is the point of
> letting it through, even if it warns you. However, an einfo message
> whenever CFLAGS are overridden would be nice.

Well, I can't imagine that gentoo maintainers have the opportunity to
check all the possible combinations of flags and system setting before
they release an ebuild. It is of course better that they prefer to use
the "safe way".
I thing an einfo message is the least thing they could give us, though I
prefer to have the choice to try the aggressive setting and if they
don't work for me to revert to the recommended flags.

Best regards,

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