> My girlfriend's laptop's internal wireless card doesn't seem to
> compatible with WPA and I don't want to use WEP on my Gentoo router.
> This leaves me with the options of either getting her to buy a new
> wireless card or sharing my laptop.  She has a user account on my
> laptop and I use gdm so it's easy for her to log in, but is there
> anything that can be done about the situation where I'm logged in and
> away, xscreensaver has locked the screen, and she wants to log into
> her account and use the system?

er... click "New Login" as it's presented at the xscreensaver prompt?

So you see that button on the locked screen after compiling with
new-login without any further configuration?  I've compiled 4.24 and
5.00 with new-login and I don't see anything like that on the locked

- Grant
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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