Pablo Antonio wrote:
> Hello,
>       I don't know if this was asked previously or someone had the
> same problem I'm about to talk about. If that is the case, please
> redirect me to some place where I can find the answer.
> I tried to upgrade to modular X religiously following the "Migrating to
> Modular X HOWTO". I removed the old X and installed the new one.
> Everything was fine until I rebooted and tried to open my favourite
> terminal (uxterm), but it wouldn't. It gave the following error:
> "xterm: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open
> shared object file: No such file or directory"
> < snip >
> Thus, it wasn't able to continue with the next emerges. The questions
> are: First, how can I fix this? Second, does all this have something to
> do with my not being able to run uxterm?
> Last, but not least, scrolling down in firefox works abnormally slow for
> some reason. Does this -again- have something to do with all the other
> problems?
> Thanks in advance.

This may help with one of the problems. 

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] / # equery belongs
> [ Searching for file(s) in *... ]
> x11-libs/libXaw-1.0.2 (/usr/lib/ ->

I'm not sure about the rest but at least you can get that missing one.


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