I made a bad upgrade to cups ~x86, and am trying to go back.
Everything installs
fine, but no printing happens.

The error log (LogLevel=debug) says it can't convert the file (notice
the 4th and
5th from the last lines):

D [16/Jul/2006:19:23:14 -0700] AcceptClient: 6 from localhost:631.
D [16/Jul/2006:19:23:14 -0700] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [16/Jul/2006:19:23:14 -0700] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [16/Jul/2006:19:23:14 -0700] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [16/Jul/2006:19:23:14 -0700] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [16/Jul/2006:19:23:15 -0700] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [16/Jul/2006:19:23:15 -0700] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [16/Jul/2006:19:23:15 -0700] CloseClient: 6
D [16/Jul/2006:19:23:15 -0700] AcceptClient: 6 from localhost:631.
D [16/Jul/2006:19:23:15 -0700] ReadClient: 6 POST /printers/lp0 HTTP/1.1
D [16/Jul/2006:19:23:15 -0700] print_job: auto-typing file...
D [16/Jul/2006:19:23:15 -0700] print_job: request file type is
D [16/Jul/2006:19:23:15 -0700] check_quotas: requesting-user-name = 'root'
D [16/Jul/2006:19:23:15 -0700] print_job: requesting-user-name = 'root'
I [16/Jul/2006:19:23:15 -0700] Adding start banner page "none" to job 5.
I [16/Jul/2006:19:23:15 -0700] Adding end banner page "none" to job 5.
I [16/Jul/2006:19:23:15 -0700] Job 5 queued on 'lp0' by 'root'.
D [16/Jul/2006:19:23:15 -0700] Job 5 hold_until = 0
D [16/Jul/2006:19:23:15 -0700] StartJob(5, 0x8094da8)
D [16/Jul/2006:19:23:15 -0700] StartJob() id = 5, file = 0/1
E [16/Jul/2006:19:23:15 -0700] Unable to convert file 0 to printable
format for job 5!
I [16/Jul/2006:19:23:15 -0700] Hint: Do you have ESP Ghostscript installed?
D [16/Jul/2006:19:23:15 -0700] CancelJob: id = 5
D [16/Jul/2006:19:23:15 -0700] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [16/Jul/2006:19:23:15 -0700] CloseClient: 6

It suggests ghostscript esp, but I have that installed, and I even
re-emerged it just
in case.  Revdep-rebuild is clean.

Any idea how to debug this?

One among many ironies here is that the actual printer is a LaserJet 4m, with
builtin postscript (Level 1, not much memory) so I might well be able
to dispense with
ghostscript if the pages weren't too complex.

Another, of course is the PhD in my signature, given the bonehead
moves I've made
in the last week or so.  Sigh.

++ kevin

Kevin O'Gorman, PhD
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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