On Wed, 19 Jul 2006 10:49:44 -0500, Michael Sullivan wrote:

> > You need to fix the SSL/Windows/SquirrelMail problem, otherwise your
> > users will be sending plain text passwords across the Internet, no
> > matter how SquirrelMail communicates with Dovecot.
> What problem?  I could connect to Squirrelmail just fine from Seamonkey
> in Linux.  The problem is Windows.  I don't do Windows.

If you run a server that will be accessed from Windows, you are "doing"
Windows and have to fix the problem. Otherwise, no matter how secure the
communication between SquirrelMail and Dovecot, your users' passwords will
be transmitted over the net in plain text.

I've just tried to connect to SquirrelMail over HTTPS from a default
XP+SP2 installation and it worked fine. Unless all your users have
identically misconfigured/broken computers, the fault is likely to be in
your Apache or  SquirrelMail configuration.

Neil Bothwick

IRQs? We don't need no stinking IRQs!

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