On Monday 24 July 2006 18:09, Daniel da Veiga wrote:
> On 7/24/06, Paul Stear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am copying files from my gentoo box to an xp box and it is so slow.  I
> > have both boxes connected with cable via a router, which connects to my
> > broadband isp.
> > When downloading from the internet to either box I get fast speeds in the
> > 100's of MBs.  However transferring box to box I only get about 1MBs.
> > Are there any setting I should look at to enable faster transfers?
> What software are you using (client x server)? What is the method of
> transfer (HTTP, FTP, SFTP, NFS, SAMBA)? Sorry, but your message say
> almost nothing, and makes it quite hard to help.
Sorry, I am using samba and kde and am copying files from a directory on the 
gentoo box to smb://<my xp box>/my directory using konqueror.
What other information can I supply?
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