Randy Barlow schrieb:
Alexander Skwar wrote:
 > CHOST isn't that important at all. Much much more important are the
CFLAGS, and here especially -march (or -mtune & -mcpu). If you're
using a Pentium 3 and have done "emerge -e world" once, then all is

I haven't done the emerge -e thing, but shouldn't everything eventually
make its way to those CFLAGS anyway just because it will be upgraded?

Yes, eventually it will. And as i386 is compatible to pentium3,
I wouldn't expect any compatibility issues. You might not get
the VERY best performance - but then again, I doubt that there'll
be noticeable performancegain by compiling with march=pentium3
anyway. There will certainly some applications which benefit from
this, but overall, on a desktop, this won't be noticeable (ie.
won't achive a performance gain of >10%).

Alexander Skwar
A quarrel is quickly settled when deserted by one party; there is no battle
unless there be two.  -- Seneca
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