On Thursday 03 August 2006 07:51, Ralph Seichter wrote:
> I have a hard time installing Gentoo 2006.0 using either the minimal
> installation image or the LiveCD. The machine has a Asus A8V Deluxe
> mainboard with onboard networking. Windows identifies the network
> controller as "Marvell Yukon 88E8001/8003/8010 PCI Gigabit Ethernet",
> and Gentoo's lspci confirms this. However, I can't get the network card
> up and running with Gentoo (it works fine with i.e. OpenSUSE 10).
> Searching this mailing list turned up hints to use "modprobe sk98lin",
> "modprobe skge" and "modprobe sky2" after booting. I tried all three
> variants, and lsmod lists the respective modules. After using "net-setup
> et0", ifconfig shows "Link encap:UNSPEC" and a weird hardware address.
> Ping fails for all addresses except the machine's own, and "RX bytes"
> for eht0 always remains zero.
> Any ideas? I'm pretty much stuck now and I'd appreciate your help.
> --
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Sincerely
> Dipl. Inform. Ralph Seichter
I too have an A8V-Deluxe and have had problems with various distros (Ubuntu, 
Kubuntu, and others) trying to get the Marvell Yukon controller working.

About a year ago while doing some google searches trying to resolve this same 
problem, I found an article some guy wrote about the problem.  I'm sorry but 
I don't have that info or the web site anymore.  He said  the problem was 
that ASUS had done something to the chip that caused many linux distros to be 
unable to probe what he called its PID.  His description was too technical 
for me.  His ultimate suggestion, which I followed, was to go out to your 
favorite computer store, purchase a NIC card (about $20 US) off the shelf, 
install it in your computer, and disable the on-board Marvell Yukon 
controller in the BIOS.

This may not be the solution you want.  I did it and have never had another 
problem installing any distro, including Gentoo, and getting my network up 
and running.

Good luck!


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