From: "Richard Fish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] udev.rules: Two "removeable" to map 
to /dev ???
Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2006 02:19:09 -0700

> On 8/3/06, Meino Christian Cramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> >  Trying to write some udev rules to map two identical (model wise)
> >  SATA-harddiscs to different entries in /dev/. got a question mark
> >  into my head:
> I don't see any obvious way of doing this with udev.  I have some
> identical USB drives that I use, and I can identify them by serial
> number, but this doesn't seem possible for SATA drives.
> Your best bet may be to mount filesystems by label, or use LVM to
> accomplish something similar.
> -Richard
> -- 
> mailing list

Hi Richard !

 (if just a moment before a incomplete posting by me has arrived you
 and/or the list: SORRY! I pressed the wrong button accidentaly....)

 Is this logically/technically correct, Richard:    ?

 - The BIOS recogizes the "first" disk (grub: hd0) only by the bus it
   is attached to: A disk connected to "SATA connector 1" will be hd0,
   and another one connected to "SATA connector 2" will be hd1
 - Therefore grub can distinguish the disks and choose the correct one
   to boot from right from the BIOS settings and the bus ID even all
   disks attached to the system are physically and model-wise
   absolutely identical.
 - So, booting a kernel image from the correct disk will be no
 - Now...I will label the root of my bootdisk (grub: hd0) with "root" 
   (only as an example...) and pass that as kernelparameter:


 - The system will boot and find its root also.
   In the net it was mentioned that one has to configure the kernel
   to recognize partition labels...was this an old "featire" or what
   do I have to configure where? I searched through /proc/config.gz
   and found nothing appropiate as I found nothing in
   /usr/src/linux/Documentatio. Any idea ?

 Is this correct so far ?

 Leep booting !;)
-- mailing list

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