On Sun, Aug 13, 2006 at 11:59:48PM -0700, Richard Fish wrote:
> If you want to get started on this before your new laptop arrives, I
> suggest starting with the initramfs and encrypting swap only.  You
> should be able to create an initramfs that will setup the mapping and
> do the swapon before your root filesystem mounts.  Once you have that
> working, and are comfortable with how the initramfs works, you can
> move on to your root filesystem.
Thanks Richard, that sounds like sound advice. Creating the initramfs at
first glance seems difficult. But after a little more reading, maybe not
to bad. By working with only swap to begin with, I _should_ be limited
to minimal damage.

In all the millions of years dinosaurs roamed this planet, did any of
them feel the need to invent, say, nuclear weapons?           Mickeyz

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