Jed R. Mallen wrote:

i've got a gentoo box with no internet connection at home.
i have broadband at the office, but running WinXP.

can i download the portage tree updates at the office, copy it to my
gentoo box, install packages i want but make it output links of the
needed packages instead of trying to download the pkgs, bring the list
of links at work, then download the pkgs there?

is this possible?

thanks much

Try 'emerge -fpuDN world'. WARNING: The list will likely be VERY long. It'll output multiple possible sources for each file - any one will do although the first one listed is likely to be the fastest.

As for the portage tree update, simply download snapshots/portage-latest.tbz2' from your favorite mirror, untar it to /usr/portage, and run emerge --metadata (<-- important!) to update your tree.

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