On Tue, 2006-08-15 at 12:53 -0400, Willie Wong wrote:
> Hi all, 
>   I am looking to purchase an external hard-drive for backing up data.
>   I am looking for something that has >250G capacity (preferably
>   around 300G so I have room to grow).

If you're in US, and there's a Fry's store nearby, here's a Maxtor 500Gb
for USD179

>   My big question is whether all those fancy "OneTouch" "OneButton"
>   things offered by Maxtor/Seagate/etc. would impede the harddrive's
>   function on linux. I mean, I don't think whatever software they
>   bundled that allowed them to do "One Touch Backups" would work in
>   linux, but I would hope those disks can still be mounted as an usb
>   storage device. Can someone tell me whether that is the case? 

Yep. i have a sarotech enclosure (www.sarotech.com) for a 2.5in and it
has backup software but I don't use it at all.
It does not impede upon the functionality of the drive/casing.
The button is just a harware button asking the casing to perhaps
"initiate" backup with the host/contact the host for backup software

The case just functions as a USB external Drive. You're just paying
extra for the "button" :-)

>   Unfortunately, I can't seem to find any offered by brands that I
>   know (like I mentioend above, Maxtor/Seagate/Buffalo/etc. all have

Why not? If you want a cheap one, a 2.5in one selling in
Surpluscomputers costs ~USD7-15 and a 3.5in costs between USD20-50
Plug in a Drive and you're good to go.

PS : I bought mine 2 years ago (max limit of 300GB due to PCBA in the
casing) for USD25


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