On Mon, Aug 21, 2006 at 03:51:47PM +0200, Penguin Lover Alan Mckinnon squawked:
> On Mon, 2006-08-21 at 13:21 +0100, Graham Murray wrote:
> > Following a portage update/sync and running 'emerge -auDvN world',
> > packages sometimes show with 'R' but without any yellow or % USE flags
> > shown. I assume that this is because a USE flag has been removed from
> > either the ebuild or an eclass used by the ebuild. If this is correct,
> > it would be nice if it was to show which USE flag(s) are no longer
> > used. 
> Now there's an idea, why didn't I think of that? Submit it as a feature
> request, I'll give you a "me too!" vote

That would be a neat idea. But I don't think that's what the OP
described. Packages shown with R implies it is being re-compiled.
yellow or % USE flags are new ones. If you have already installed the
package once, the USE flags cannot be new ;)

I would think that if IUSE changed in an ebuild, that would warrant a
version bump, but I don't know the dev's policy on that. 

Most likely those packages are being re-merged because of a changed
USE flag on your configuration: does it have something green or
followed by *? That means a USE flag that changed since the last


"Fortunately, this is where we stop, for the equations of motion are 2nd order. 
If it were 5th order you'd all probably switch to biology."
~DeathMech, S. Sondhi. P-town PHY 205
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